Glosstex & Canvas Trucks


Dandux trucks are found in laundry and dry cleaning establishments. In textile mills, garment plants, hotels, motels, hospitals, commercial buildings libraries, locker rooms, mail rooms, construction sites. They’re ideal for movement of materials from trash to cash, from metal parts to delicate linens. Casters, all top quality rubber with thread guards, are available in four caster patterns. For the fabric body, there’s a choice of heavy duty white canvas or bright yellow Glosstex. All critical wear points, including top Top rim, are reinforced. There are fabric handles on both ends making the truck easy to pull, a pocket for a control or inventory card. Custom fabrication is available in Glosstex fabrics: red, green, blue, gray or white. Minimum six trucks per color per bushel size.

Call 1-800-533-0228 to order today!